Lea Consultancy’s Interview Advice Can Make a Difference
August 3, 2017 12:32 pmLea Consultancy’s Interview Advice Can Make a Difference
So, you’ve got the interview you’ve been looking for and really want to make the most of the opportunity you’ve been given. There are things you can do to maximise your interview chances. There are also things that Lea Consultancy can do to further increase your chances.
Our interview advice has been honed through years of experience and our commitment to go that extra mile in finding you the right job.
What you can do
[1] Believe in yourself, no one wants you to fail. When you walk into the room everyone is hoping you are the one they are looking for. You need to be confident in your own ability and experience to demonstrate that you are the person they can feel safe to invest their money in. They already believe you could be the one, as you have been invited to interview.
[2] Read and fully understand the job spec and how your experience relates to this. Relate your experience to the key points they are looking for. Do not be afraid to tell people about your achievements. If you don’t tell them they won’t know. It is not bragging, it is demonstrating why they should invest in you.
[3] Do your research on the company. An interview is a two way thing. If you don’t know and understand about this company then how do you know they will be right for you? There is nothing more that shouts “can’t be bothered” then a candidate who turns up and has not taken the time to understand what the company does and what it’s values are.
[4] Think of questions that you would like answering. This not only helps you to understand if this is a good match for you but also shows you are genuinely interested in the job opportunity.
What we will do
We have already mentioned in previous articles about how our approach it totally geared towards matching the right candidate with the right company. We’ve talked about how important listening is, how important background research is. We’ve mentioned how we help candidates to improve their CV’s as well. But, we also take care of the little details that can make a big difference in creating the right impression at your interview.
As a recruiter it is our job to ensure you can give the candidate as much information as possible. We visit every clients office without exception so we can understand their culture. But we also do it so we know exactly what a candidate is walking into. So we take note of parking, if the entrance has a reception, or if it is a buzzer. Is it well signed or is it a serviced office near something well signed. This detail ensures the candidate is not flustered and we can make that first part of their interview as stress free as possible. We really do make sure our candidates are as fully prepared for their interview as they can be.
So if you are looking for a recruitment company that really does go that extra mile with it’s interview advice, give us a call on 0844 2642554
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This post was written by Lea Consultancy